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When traveling, I used to end up with a ridiculous amount of make-up in my hand luggage and I never used even half of it.

In the last year or so, I’ve started to bring with me beauty kits and my foundation.
This way, I end up with a ridiculous amount of beauty kits.
I’m such a mess.
Anyway, today I’m going to tell you everything about my favorite one.
Her name was Glowla is The perfect kit.
It was one of my brother’s numerous  gift (I have the PERFECT brother, I know)
First of all, the name.
It obviously reminds me of The Kink’s great song, Lola:

Like every Benefit product, it has a great packaging.




But let’s talk about the products in the kit.

Coralista it’s one of Benefit’s best seller and I think I’m going to buy it soon, I really like it.
I love High Beam and Moon Beam, they’re a Must Have from  Benefit.
Bad Gal is a nice mascara, not my favorite one, but it’s just fine.
The gloss is nice and I love the eyeshadows.
What do you think about these products?
With love,


  1. caise says:

    oh I love benefit's packagings 🙂 but unfortunately their cosmetics (powders and foundations) are too dark for me:(

  2. S. says:

    ooh that's too bad 🙁
    But you could still try high beam or moon beam, think they suit every skintone!

  3. Molkinaify says:

    Quanto mi piacerebbe comprare uno di questi kit! Pe Natale me lo regalo di sicuro u.u

  4. S. says:

    ottima idea!

  5. LaDama Bianca says:

    Bello il packaging Benefit, come sempre.

  6. S. says:

    E' davvero uno dei loro punti forti!

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