COLLEGE. YES, IT’S HAPPENING. Two of a kind vol I

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L. and I finally started college.
Sadly, we’re not attending the same course, so we can’t see each other every day.
And, even worse, we had to face a first-day-of-school by ourselves.
In this post I’m going to tell you how my first day was and L. is going to do the same very soon.
We’re starting a new series, along with the Weekly Pick! one, in which we’ll talk about the same subject with our different point of views.
The day before my BIG DAY I was a wreck.
In my mind I had huuuge confusion.

What to wear?
Will I make new friends?
Will I find my way in the various classes without getting lost?
Will I like every course I have?
Will I make myself ridiculous in front of everyone, spilling my coffee on my books?
Should I wear lipstick?