Review: Kiko Pigment Loose Eyeshadow 01

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I wasn’t a big fan of loose eyeshadows.

Before I’ve tried them.
I’ve had the chance to try quite a few of them thanks to some bloggers swaps.
Today’s review is about Kiko’s Pigment Loose Eyeshadow in the shade 01, adopted by the amazing Dani of Shopping&Reviews.
Non sono mai stata una grande fan degli ombretti in polvere libera. 
Prima di averli provati.
Ho avuto la possibilità di provarne diversi grazie a qualche swap tra blogger.
La review di oggi parla del Pigment Loose Eyeshadow di Kiko nella tonalità 01, adozione dalla fantastica Dani (ciao Dani <3) di Shopping&Reviews.


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I’m not a big fan of loose pigments. Actually, I don’t know how to use them. But when I saw this beauty on sale..well, I just had to. Non sono