Cosmoprof 2014 and Bla Bla Bla.

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I’m at the train station while I’m writing this and I’m super tired.
My stay at the Cosmoprof is over and I can’t wait to tell you all about these days even if I’m full aware that I’ll never be able to remember everything.
Not only this event is uber famous in Italy for every single makeup addict, is also an important occasion for brands to find resellers and so on.
I’m a little upset because Sam and Nic Chapman were there on friday and I wasn’t able to see them and act like a crazy fangirl.

Sono in stazione, più precisamente a Casa italo e sono stanca morta. 
Il mio cosmoprof é finito e io non vedo l’ora di raccontarvi tutto quello che mi ricordo, consapevole che sicuramente mi sfuggirà qualcosa.   

Anche se non siete state a Bologna sono sicura che sapete già tanto di quello che è successo, vero?
Saprete della polemica esplosa attorno al *caso* Giuliana, sicuramente. 

Io ho seguito la cosa da lontano, tutto è successo in usando io ero già arrivata qui. 
Posso solo dirvi che mi sono sentita in un imbarazzo mortale a pensare che a me è arrivata una vip card per entrare gratuitamente e a lei no, quello sì. 
Saprete che ci sono state Sam e Nic Chapman. Ovviamente non c’erano quando c’ero io e non ho potuto sfruttare l’occasione per abbracciarle come una povera stalker pazza. 
Però ci sono anche tante cose che non sapete e che adesso vi racconto io, ci state? 

Review: MUA 24

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This is the first and only MUA’s eyeshadow I own, 24 Pearl.
When I was in Superdrug more than a month ago I was curious to try one of these.
I didn’t really think about the shade I wanted, I just tried to avoid yet another brown eyeshadow.
Questo è il primo e unico ombretto MUA che possiedo, il 24 Pearl.
Quando mi sono trovata davanti allo stand da Superdrug ero curiosa di provarne uno.
Non ho pensato molto al colore che volevo provare, ho solo cercato di evitare di acquistare l’ennesimo marrone.

January Favorites!

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January favorites time! How was your month girls? Mine was kind of busy even if I spent most of the time locked at home studying for my exams. Tempo dei

Review: MUA Lip Gloss Shade 5

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Here’s a lipgloss I won thanks to Hermosa’s contest!

It’s a MUA lipgloss and it’s the shade 5. It’s a beautiful light pink shade with gold glitters in it.
The glitters are not too big, you can’t feel them on your lips.
It has a fruity scent that I really like, it’s not too overwhelming.
It’s quite sticky but not too much, enough to last more than the blink of an eye but not too much to give that annoying feeling of glued lips.
I’m really liking MUA’s products so far and I really want to try out more stuff!
I’m going to London in January, I’m really happy about it so you’re going to hear me blabber about it for months, and I’ll surely buy something.
Any advice?

Prizes :D

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I’ve been particularly lucky lately, here are the prizes I received for my third place in Hermosa’s contest! I can’t wait to try these MUA glosses! Thanks again Hermosa. Sono