Review: Aliexpress Bag

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Vorrei moltissimo iniziare a comprare solo prodotti etici e fatti a mano e così via ma non è ancora il momento della mia vita. Arriverà e non vedo l’ora per

Royal Baby, The Last Man on Earth, Alter Ego, London, New Ink and Bla Bla Bla.

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Haven’t posted in a while and, as always when I fall out of my routine, it feels like ages.
I really didn’t know what to talk about -even if I have so many posts in my drafts, it’s embarrassing- so I thought about doing a blabbering post to break the ice.
Let’s do it!
Aaand I really want those emoji cupcakes please.
Non ho postato per un po’ e, come ogni volta in cui perdo la mia amatissima routine, mi sembra siano passati anni.
Non ero ben sicura di cosa volessi parlare -pur avendo fin troppe bozze da completare: è imbarazzante, perciò ho pensato di fare un post di chiacchiere per riabituarmi a scrivere e rompere un po’ il ghiaccio.
E voglio quei cupcake emoji per favore grazie.


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How do you feel about sales? Do you buy more than you planned because you see a 50% off tag? I think buying something just because it’s cheaper it’s something

Baby Satchel

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I love my bright green satchel. When I saw this little satchel at H&M I just had to get it! It’s quite small and I don’t really know when I’m


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Hey girls! This week is never going to end. Here are my weekly picks: Questa settimana non finirà mai, sto esaurendo. Ecco le scelte di questa settimana: Miu Miu. Why


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source This week is over! My first week back to uni has been just fine, I’m starting to get used to the everyday train-metro-lesson-metro-train routine again. Anyway, here are my